The slammed helmet went really close to the first base umpire who tossed Harper from the game. The first base coach and Davey each had a few jaw sessions with the ump, but to no avail. And of course, we have the Gif after the jump:

He was then asked about the umpire, but Davey turned the blame back to Harper."A little Negative, Bryce couldn't control his emotions again and I had a little chat with him. He'll get over it, he's just a hundred percenter. He expects great things out of himself. He breaks bats, throws his helmet, and he's just got to stop it. We can't afford to be losing him in a ballgame with that. He'll learn, he's young, he'll learn"
"At that point it didn't matter to me. It was done. He's wrong in doing that, he's wrong in breaking his bats, he's wrong in throwing his helmet down in frustration. It's just like I say he's a hundred percenter, he's full bore, and when he doesn't like the outcome he shows it off that way, and it's just a learning experience, he'll be fine. I'm not worried about him"And some more on Bryce.
"I told him, 'I just can't afford to lose you by you expressing your emotions that way, you just can't do it. Go inside the runway and break a bat over your head or somethin.' He also hit his head before the game in the locker room, he showed me the top of his head. So he's a little emotional."How did Bryce hit his head Davey?
"I don't even want to know"Will Bryce listen to the old man? We'll see~
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