Bob & FP Imply That A Baseball Got An STD In Miami

DC Sports Nexus ---- Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Bob Carpenter & FP Santangelo must have been really giddy about the Nationals finally scoring some runs and winning a game.  On Wednesday night after Kurt Suzuki hit his first homer as a National in the 9th inning, the guys started talking about where the ball landed.  They imply...something:
FP:  "A little bit more to the left it might have got a Mojito in the Clevelander, or worse"
Bob:  "And who knows what else.  Folks you'll have to come down here to figure that out"
FP: "Yep, not for TV"
Earlier in the night the guys told kids to stop doing homework and start watching Nats games while teaching them incorrect facts about animals, and now they imply that a baseball may get a STD in the skeezy Clevelander club.  Again, awesome.

I'm up for listening to other theories about what "else" means.  Prostitutes?

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