Dick Vitale Messing With Bryce Harper: AWESOME BABY!

DC Sports Nexus ---- Tuesday, August 28, 2012

On Tuesday night in Miami, Tampa Bay Rays season ticket holder Dick Vitale was in the (empty) house, chatting it up and getting some photos with Bryce Harper.  Vitale screamed some stuff at  Bryce about diapers and dandies and PT Players BABY!!!

100% Chance Vitale mentioned Duke in the conversation.  Look at Dickey V giving the youngster some bizarre weird uncle like hat tug.

Earlier this month Dick Vitale (and everyone else) chimed in on the Stephen Strasburg shutdown conversation.  Read the highlights at the DC Sports Bog.  A choice quote:
“Hopefully they don’t shut him down. Hopefully they look him in the eyes, and ask how he feels, and he says I’m healthy, I’m strong. I mean, how do you say no to the kid? Just to keep him from a future injury we don’t know about?"
So I guess Vitale came over from Tampa Bay to watch Strassy in action.  Maybe he talked to Davey Johnson and/or Mike Rizzo?  Maybe he screamed at them so much that Strassy won't be shut down!?

Yeah Right!

The best Dick Vital-ism Baseball related basketball phrase: "They're hittin Reggies when then need Pete Roses!"

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